The Condition Specific PF Plantar Fasciitis insole is one of very few foot orthotic devices specifically designed for heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis also known plantarfasciopathy,heel spurs, policeman’s heel, or postman’s heel.
- Incorporates more heel protection features than any other orthotic device available
- Shock-dot dell positioned to most painful spot on heel
- Deep heel cup and midfoot cradle to reduce heel pressure
- Heel raise and heel rocker to reduce stress on the plantarfascia during walking
- Brush nylon cover for softness
Suitable for:
- Heel pain that is worse in the morning or rising from rest
- Heel pain during longer periods of exercise and standing
- Can help relieve other foot and calf symptoms that develop with the plantar fasciitis
Healthy Step Xline PF insoles